Core to it is a view that claims moral status for the nation, as a political, geographic, ethnic and cultural unit. It is neither superior to, nor subservient to, the personal and individual duties and rights. For these, properly understood, are identical - indeed, the individual's identity is forged through the action of this national community. I views traits that advance the interest of this unified group as virtues, and those that subvert the common values and aims to be vices or crimes. It upholds the theory of nationalism, that of national self-determination and internal coherence and congruency for the nation. Nationality is always voluntary, while one may not arbitrarily choose their nationality they may opt not to serve their nationality; making them expatriates. Secession is always an option, though restrictive communities have rights to expel members who forfeit their claims do to anti-social activities.
I am opposed to social democracy in all its clothes, and international bankster-capital which uses it. The mystical, anti-life, anti-reason religions such as Christianity are anathema to my views.
The goal of the national communities and their individual constituents is to bring about an authentic and superior being and nation by the elemination of the twin elements of physical and ideological malady. Cooperation amongst all is essential for this; it can not be 'imposed' as through some Mengelian fantasy, it must represent the true motivations and interests of the people combined with the tools of economic and biological science. The 'New Aryan Man' of the third reich, and the 'new socialist man' from which it springs are nationalist and classical socialist/anarchist concepts which are related, though incomplete and in a system of faulty conjectures and theories. Authenticity in a spiritual and moral sense (ala Nietzsche, Stirner, Rand or Heidegger) is to be fully involved and aware of the properties of one's identity as well as the context in which one exists. The futurist conception of human being transcended is one which forges a new ideology from nature, rather than against it. As "God does not posit man, but man does posit god", the improvement of self, individual, nation and thereby mankind posits the New Human as God.
In support of this I advocate a policy of action to agitate and prepare for the seizing of power to overtake the power of democratic-capital. Whether this can be achieved through passive preparation, violent overthrow or a combination theirof will depend on the individual situation in all nations and pseudo-political 'states'. But any means, consistent with right and justice, are acceptable to achieve this end. Right and justice themselves are defined with reference to the economic and spiritual doctrines of the party ideology - the means which are instrumental and constitutive of this society must at all times be kept in view, and at no costs compromised.
An Outline of Principles
- Federalism and secession in political, economic and territorial organization with common-law and private covenants developed with the interest of the nation and people as their core principle.
- Destroying the false dichotemy between individual and national interest.
- The right of workers to the products of their labour; and the recognition that all economic progress depends upon the ordinary worker, businessman and entrepaneur and the social background which makes his development possible.
- The abolition of absentee-landlord slavery.
- A revolutionary and transcendent reorganization of society against the principles of democratism.
- The concern and care for the physical, genetic and spiritual hygeine of the individual for the development of a futurist, post-human nation of superior human beings.
- Opposition to social-democracy, communism and international democratic-finance.
- Abolition of the central bankster money and credit monopolies.
- Abolition of trade barriers, cartels and protectionist tyrannies.
- Defense of people and land against military and cultural invasions.
- Only those loyal to the principles of the community and the national idealism of the community may be citizens in our communities. As such, all further immigration of non-citizens must be prevented by economic, legal and social pressures. The private borders of covenants must be respected at threat of violent force.
- The right to choose the government and determine the laws of the community shall belong only to people of the nation.
- All members of the community must possess equal rights and duties.
- The abolition of standing armies and their replacement with the military arms of the community, private agencies and individuals.
- The abolition of all unions.
- The abolition of wage and price controls.
- The rejection of democratic-socialism where individuals gain authority based on party favor and class-connections rather than right and fitness.
- The principle of unity between materialism and idealism; the coordination of instinct and reason.
- The abolition of the dysgenic experiments of the welfare state.
- A principle of strict diplomatic isolationism and non-interventionism with affairs outside of our nation and its direct interests.
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