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Monday, December 28, 2009


I thought I would post something about economics.
My initial influences in economic theory came from UMNO, Adam Smith and Edmund Burke. They generally advocate free exchange, elimination of trade barriers and so forth. But as far as systematic economic theory goes I am largely a proponent of what has been called the 'Austrian' school of economics, which I became acquainted with through the Ludwig von Mises Institute website. Since then I have found other 'non-Austrians' I agree with, such as Brian Caplan and David Friedman, but the core of my views are still Austrian.
As a science, the Austrians argue that economic science is a priori or deductive in nature; that the basic existential facts of individual values, scarcity and so forth allow us to form apodictic laws of economic science which can not be refuted by empirical claims. It also criticizes numerical and especially 'model' schools of economics as being methodologically invalid and even meaningless.
The Austrian school is strongly associated with American and British libertarianism, who tend to advocate statelessness or near-statelessness to be replaced by market mechanisms and institutions of private property.
I am also influenced by Geoism (Henry George is one of the men in my blog banner) and Mutualism and, in a more involved way, syndicalism.

Hans Hoppe - Praxeology: The Austrian Method

The Banksters Unmasked: The Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle

The Impossibility of Economic Calculation Under State Socialism



Someone brought up the subject of the radical right Oi! music in Malaysia, so I thought I would post some of my favorites.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Anti-Republik Singapura

Singapore, a shining example of non-democracy (click to see whole picture).

Sir Oswald Mosley

Sir Oswald Mosley, much denigrated in his homeland and all but forgotten by the rest of the world, was one of the most insightful members of the fascist movement. Opposed to Britain and the United States entering the second world war, Mosley warned about the growth of democracy, international finance-capital and the inevitable economic crises that would attend these two.

Unlike some attached to the fascistic and national socialist right, Mosley was well aware that there was no villainous conspiracy behind the state of the world - "Anyone who knows how difficult it is to keep a secret among three men - particularly if they are married - knows how absurd is the idea of a worldwide secret conspiracy consciously controlling all mankind by its financial power; in real, clear analysis." - ordinary conspiracies, though, were everywhere.

Sir Oswald Mosley on the Third Way (small mp3).

OswaldMosley.Com is an excellent site containing books, essays, commentary, audio and pictures of the leader of the British Union of Fascists.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Random Bits

“Even when repressed, inequality grows; only the man who is below the average in economic ability desires equality; those who are conscious of superior ability desire freedom, and in the end superior ability has its way” - Will Durant

One has to wonder what the fetish for 'equality' inspires in so many men and women. What is it that causes them to want to deny obvious, important and inescapable differences between individuals? To pretend that all outcomes could or 'ought' to be equal - I'm not even sure what such a concept is supposed to imply.

Videos on Ineqaulity:

Climate Change
Climate change is a total pseudoscience. The 'evidence' is so biased and poorly explained that there is no scientific reason anyone ought to take it seriously: any honest climate scientist will tell you that they just do not know.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Some Notes on Ideology, Politics

First, due to some discussions I have had on internet forums, I want to make a few general statements of the concepts I employ:

I reject the dichotomy between materialism and idealism. The bodily and spiritual health are identical, the states of physical agitation affecting the manifest instinctual reactions and processes of reasoning.

I am not a racialist. Someone actually wondered if I was NSDAP, but - I am Malaysian and Han Chinese; though I consider myself to be Malay. I am a nationalist, in the belief in the moral and practical value of a complex web of personal identity, pragmatic ends, cultural, biological, social and economic connections which arrived at through voluntary agreements reflect the actual values and well being of the ideological and contractual mask they overly. I do not for a moment conceive of expelling the white man from Singapore or Malaysia, if they can live with the common laws and cultural norms they can do or think anything they want. But the community and national ideology reflected by honestly accumulated knowledge will be the party line - it will be reflected in the moral and legal norms.

I am a Futurist, which is not to say Utopian. I am at the establishment of general material conditions required for the improvement of human physical, spiritual, ideological and economic organization. I do not claim to psychically forsee what that will be for any given individual or society, but I do believe that it is possible and desirable. There will be no waiting for the 'final stage of Communism', the State will be abolished instantly. The improvements will be within the lifetime of individuals, advances in all fields will be applied by those best able - and willing - to undertake them.

The Man of Tomorrow and the Party

One of the ultimate aims of Human biological and ideological self-engineering. Spiritual and physical health are to be developed, they are codependent on one another. The most radical and innovative genetic manipulation and advances of scholarship and organization are to be applied in this rebirth of the human race.
This is no theory of death-camps and double-Ph.D.s in white suits. It is a principle to be applied by private covenants, contracts and confederations and restrictive policies of individual communities; animated by the ideological and spiritual rebirth of mankind it aims at; maintained by the Party organization.

The Party is to be an absolutely revolutionary and transcendent organization built around the founding of a new system of values and community within which individuals and nations can find their identity; and each party will be specific to the nation.
It must rely only upon the most reliable theories and, where knowledge is deficient, remain silent. It must not make a single move until it will succeed - and when the opportunity arrives it must be ready to take power seemlessly and immediately implement its animating ideology.
This is the secret of successful parties: to know how to gain power, to move when power is available, and to know what to do after power is achieved.
It will seize control however is necessary, acting strictly according to its principles and being the driving force behind the new ideology and its hierarchy.
The party exists, in other words, to actually achieve the goals defined by the ideology and theory.
The party will is hard-line - specifically, the executive of the party. The party's sole role is to look to the revisionist scholarship and follow what they lay out for it, and the party will strictly determine what the party-line is and is not on the basis of the ideological structure.

Of course most of what the party will be doing amounts to a deconstruction of the existing state mechanism. It does not aim at the ownership of the state. It aims at the legitemacy of the state's.
From there it will implement and expand its influence to revolutionize the entire political and social structure. Though that is not to say abolish it. Certainly no country has everything wrong.
Simply that all of the present 'parliamentary' systems are to be dispatched at once, and their employees give notice. All national debt will be repudiated.

The point is precisely that the party does not 'control' society, it is the active executive body which relies on the scholarly and ideological Weltanschauung. The party succeeds because the population has accepted the true, perhaps simplified but not distorted, case and views of the scholarship. And the party, embodying this, thereby gains legitimacy and real power.

But this is not to be bureaucratic, arbitrary power. Its own structure and legitimacy rely on its meticulous adherence to the scholarship. It is not to retain power; there will be no way it can once it acts. It is there simply to take action, to make the transition irreversable.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Further Explications of my View

Syncretic Futurism aims at the development of a post-modern (or trans-modern) political theory attempting to develop and syncrhonize many insights of different political traditions. It is also a personal expression of my moral values through the lense of politics and existential philosophy.
Core to it is a view that claims moral status for the nation, as a political, geographic, ethnic and cultural unit. It is neither superior to, nor subservient to, the personal and individual duties and rights. For these, properly understood, are identical - indeed, the individual's identity is forged through the action of this national community. I views traits that advance the interest of this unified group as virtues, and those that subvert the common values and aims to be vices or crimes. It upholds the theory of nationalism, that of national self-determination and internal coherence and congruency for the nation. Nationality is always voluntary, while one may not arbitrarily choose their nationality they may opt not to serve their nationality; making them expatriates. Secession is always an option, though restrictive communities have rights to expel members who forfeit their claims do to anti-social activities.

I am opposed to social democracy in all its clothes, and international bankster-capital which uses it. The mystical, anti-life, anti-reason religions such as Christianity are anathema to my views.

The goal of the national communities and their individual constituents is to bring about an authentic and superior being and nation by the elemination of the twin elements of physical and ideological malady. Cooperation amongst all is essential for this; it can not be 'imposed' as through some Mengelian fantasy, it must represent the true motivations and interests of the people combined with the tools of economic and biological science. The 'New Aryan Man' of the third reich, and the 'new socialist man' from which it springs are nationalist and classical socialist/anarchist concepts which are related, though incomplete and in a system of faulty conjectures and theories. Authenticity in a spiritual and moral sense (ala Nietzsche, Stirner, Rand or Heidegger) is to be fully involved and aware of the properties of one's identity as well as the context in which one exists. The futurist conception of human being transcended is one which forges a new ideology from nature, rather than against it. As "God does not posit man, but man does posit god", the improvement of self, individual, nation and thereby mankind posits the New Human as God.

In support of this I advocate a policy of action to agitate and prepare for the seizing of power to overtake the power of democratic-capital. Whether this can be achieved through passive preparation, violent overthrow or a combination theirof will depend on the individual situation in all nations and pseudo-political 'states'. But any means, consistent with right and justice, are acceptable to achieve this end. Right and justice themselves are defined with reference to the economic and spiritual doctrines of the party ideology - the means which are instrumental and constitutive of this society must at all times be kept in view, and at no costs compromised.

An Outline of Principles
  1. Federalism and secession in political, economic and territorial organization with common-law and private covenants developed with the interest of the nation and people as their core principle.
  2. Destroying the false dichotemy between individual and national interest.
  3. The right of workers to the products of their labour; and the recognition that all economic progress depends upon the ordinary worker, businessman and entrepaneur and the social background which makes his development possible.
  4. The abolition of absentee-landlord slavery.
  5. A revolutionary and transcendent reorganization of society against the principles of democratism.
  6. The concern and care for the physical, genetic and spiritual hygeine of the individual for the development of a futurist, post-human nation of superior human beings.
  7. Opposition to social-democracy, communism and international democratic-finance.
  8. Abolition of the central bankster money and credit monopolies.
  9. Abolition of trade barriers, cartels and protectionist tyrannies.
  10. Defense of people and land against military and cultural invasions.
  11. Only those loyal to the principles of the community and the national idealism of the community may be citizens in our communities. As such, all further immigration of non-citizens must be prevented by economic, legal and social pressures. The private borders of covenants must be respected at threat of violent force.
  12. The right to choose the government and determine the laws of the community shall belong only to people of the nation.
  13. All members of the community must possess equal rights and duties.
  14. The abolition of standing armies and their replacement with the military arms of the community, private agencies and individuals.
  15. The abolition of all unions.
  16. The abolition of wage and price controls.
  17. The rejection of democratic-socialism where individuals gain authority based on party favor and class-connections rather than right and fitness.
  18. The principle of unity between materialism and idealism; the coordination of instinct and reason.
  19. The abolition of the dysgenic experiments of the welfare state.
  20. A principle of strict diplomatic isolationism and non-interventionism with affairs outside of our nation and its direct interests.

What Is This About?

This is my first post, so I thought I would give you a gist of what my own views and interests are.

In terms of pure theory I am influenced by Ernst Junger, who created the revolutionary concept of the Conservative Anarch who is above politics and looks forward to improving himself;
Friedrich Nietzsche the concept of the revaluation and creation of new and different values for different peoples and individuals, the concept of transcending man personally and culturally, for the synthesis of genetic hygein and spiritual hygein;
Carl Schmitt for the concept of politics as ideology;
Max Stirner and Dora Marsden for the concept of personal identity
Otto Strasser for the theory of federal national syndicalism and a criticism of Hitlerian National Socialism;
Adolf Hitler for his critique of parliamentary democracy, for his vision of the New Aryan Man who transcends 'new socialist man' and the humanist vision towards a futurist, transhumanist identity merged with a spiritual transformation of an entire people;
Franz Oppenheimer for his critique of the Democratic-Socialist state and its classes of elites;
Patrick J. Buchanan, James J. Martin and Harry Elmar Barnes for their critique of the wars for international central-banker democratic socialism, i.e. WW1 and WW2;
Georges Sorel for his concept of revolutionary and action-oriented syndicalism;
Prodhoun for his theory of mutualism
Henry George's attack on absentee-landlords and defense of the worker to own the products of his labor;
Leo Tolstoi for his vision of anti-finance societies motivated by an ideal of created a Heaven on earth by our own hands and minds, his use of Christian mythology while a committed atheist;
Ludwig von Mises for his critique of state socialism;
Benito Mussolini for his many valuable and witty essays.

I am a strong defender of common law, community trials and the right to ones labor-product. Unlike the American paleoright and libertarians, I do not view this as the be-all and end-all of political philosophy. I hold that an animating vision of transcendence and improvement, reinforced by economic and social norms that allow the achievement of this vision - and the exclusion of all who would disrupt its achievement.

I likewise view the various 'labour' movements to be nothing but attempts by the priest-caste of the Democratic-Socialist world capital to bribe the workers with false, and nonsensical, promises. The minimum wage rates, licensing, and strikes did nothing but disrupt the basis for the well-being of the people to the profit of a few well placed banksters and their cronies.

I call for the abolition of the monopoly of money and the use of free-notes, silver or gold as the community finds fit.

Syncretic Politics
National Socialism
National Anarchism